At the start of 2022, I posed the question to my clients about how they could achieve a state of ‘Deep Health’ this year.   Deep Health is about thriving in all dimensions of their life, not just physical well-being.   Most New Year’s Resolutions include eating healthily, exercising more, and drinking less.  In reality, there is far more that we need to consider in order to achieve balance in our mind, body, and soul.    Do you recall what New Year Resolutions you made and have you stuck to them?

One of the most important key drivers of ‘Deep Health’ is getting enough quality sleep, but that is dependent on other critical drivers.  Deep Health includes these elements – Relational – feeling like you belong; Physical – performing and functioning well; Existential – having a purpose; Emotional – being able to express and control a range of emotions; Mental – being alert, focused, competent and thoughtful; as well as Environmental – knowing your everyday surroundings support your health and wellbeing.

The intensity of working, the day-to-day pressures of meeting deadlines, paying bills, etc, can lead to you lying awake at night.  Getting enough quality sleep is the critical driver that reduces stress, keeps your mind clear and fully functioning, and leaves you energised and ready to face anything that ‘life’ throws at you.  It also keeps you on a path of eating healthily, drinking less, and feeling in control of your life.  Sleep energises you to work at your best and still have time for exercise and socialising.  It helps to balance the mind, (purposely evoking positive and calm states), improve relationships, builds ‘thinking and problem-solving’ skills as well as creating motivation to take action to improve your life.  Without ‘Deep Health’ sleep can remain evasive and without quality sleep, your health and current life experience may be suffering.

Check out my webinar “CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT THROUGH DEEP HEALTH” and determine how you can enhance your life.